ORPRA INC is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization registered in the state of New York. Following the rise of the Union Riveartibonitian Soccer (USR) team in the first division of the national championship (Edition 2020 – 2021), the administrators called on Rivartibonitians living both in foreign lands and in Haiti in order to be able to meet their financial needs.

Sports Development Programs

Educational Support

Lighting Project

To unify Rivartibonitians living abroad and in Haiti, to foster the improvement of their alma mater (Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite) in the areas of Sports, Education, Health, and Environment. The Rivartibonitians living in the diaspora founded an organization called ORPRA INC (Organization for the Recovery of Petite Riviere De l’Artibonite). Please join us to advance our noble cause.

The Organization for the Recovery of Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite (ORPRA INC} is counting on your patronage to make our noble organization a real success for the benefits of our brothers and sisters.